Monday, June 21, 2010

Lots of Literary Laughs

Did you see that alliteration? Nice work hey? I'm rather proud. Ok, moving on.

Yoh yoh yoh, but i do love a good laugh every now and then, i mean, more than the next person. I am a serial laugh-seeker. I laugh relatively easily so i am always a little cautious when i suggest funny things to people in fear that they actually are not that funny and i am going to look like a tosser for recommending it.

I am throwing caution to the wind with this one. Also, i got the link from my older my sister (who's opinion i generally trust and she says it is funny, so my ass is covered). McSweeney's Internet Tendencies is a funny, funny thing. Funny in a clever way that pisses you off because you didn't think to say/write it first. Funny in a way that makes you want to ask whoever is reading it to you to please please stop, i cant breathe.

The short imagined monologue by comic sans is possibly the funniest (shit, didnt check that with my sister, oh well. Blame me there.) so read that one. I nearly urinated.

Noddy Badge to all the writers of McSweeney, you flipping legends.

Peace out yo.

Friday, June 11, 2010

The List (definite article)

I have recently learned that the following things deserve an unexplained, undeniable noddy badge from me because they are wonderful and extraordinary:

1) The humble vuvuzela
2) Vusi Mahlasela
3) Alicia Keys, The Black Eyed Peas, Black Jack and Shakira
4) Giant Dung beatles rolling giant soccer balls
6) Archbishop Desmond Tutu.
7) Flags x1000
8) 85000 people singing together
10) South Africa and South Africans.

Can you feel it?

I can. I did. I will.

peace out yo.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

This lighting technique

Holy shit balls. Check this out. People always say that technology makes what should be kept classic and clean too complicated. I say fuck them all. This is the coolest song and coolest video in existence. So a noddy badge goes to complicated and technological. All hail generation X.


This Music Video

Islands by The XX. WHo would have guessed yeah? Best music video ever! I know that it seems seriously repetitive but holy shit, when you watch it carefully it is flipping awesome. Also, the persistence and patience of those dancers, yowza. Not entirely sure i could kiss someone over and over so many times in the same way.

It is so subtle and cool and all the people are amazingly good looking, oh how i wish the world was like this video in real life. So cool. So for all of the above reasons, it gets a nody badge. yay.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Song + ears = memory

You know when you hear a song and it makes you think of a really cool time or a specific person that you love? I really enjoy that feeling, even if it sometimes makes you sad and makes you want that person or that time. It is kind of cool that something written by a complete stranger can make you feel so strongly and have such a profound impact on you. Also that whoever wrote it has no idea that you are forming memories and feelings around their words.

This is a general noddy badge, for a whole lot of songs and for a whole lot of memories and feelings that they bring up.

So while you try to make things Tessellate by the Seaside while Waiting for the 7:18 because the person you have Oncall is on his way, give a noddy badge to all of your thought songs.

Peace out in the free world.


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I'm Here

Spike Jonze has always kind of been a hero of mine. His music videos are awesome and his feature films are pretty damn cool too. But this one is mos def one of my favourites. Love in an absolute world? I kind of like the sound of that. Also, the webpage rocks so that designer gets a noddy badge too.

But Spike, you deserve one for just being cool in general but this short film right here tipped the scale for me. So here is a noddy badge for you. Congratulations.


Unhappy Hipsters

Sometimes i get sad, dont we all? Yes. So when i get sad i read unhappy hipsters to make me feel happy again, You should to, for when you are sad and need to be made happy again.

So, go here when you are sad.

sad + unhappy hipsters = happy

noddy badge for you because it really is lonely in the modern world.
